Research Organization and Infrastructure

[This is a discussion starter rather than any recommendation at this point. It is an issue that we should address in our final recommendations.]

An issue that turned up during discussion with NSF program managers was that of infrastructure for the study. Their view was that NSF was not very good at supporting projects that required infrastructural support and maybe it would work better if NSF worked in partnership with another agency like DARPA or SRC.

The issue here is that cross-layer work means we're doing some things at high levels (OS, software, architecture) that should address low-level problems (transient upsets, noise). If we had a perfect model of what low-level effects looked like, then we may comfortably separate the problem; higher-level work can test ideas against the model. However, if we have a poor idea about the low-level effects of current and future technologies, there may be no way to be certain about the success of a high-level technique other than to measure it in an appropriate system. This is particularly limiting if we're trying to address technology that does not, yet, exist.

It seems clear from the study:

Given the above, we cannot afford to simply wait around to create models. However, nor can we expect high-level work that isn't grounded in some experimentation to stay relevant.

Low level experiments require expensive resources and infrastructure:

Similarly, how do individuals or small groups participate? If we had a common research infrastructure platform for this cross-layer cooperation, then groups could work with the common infrastructure and augment or replace components. However, some of the big research questions to address now are how to design the interfaces and organize such an infrastructure. Designing, assembling, and packaging the infrastructure framework is part of the initial research needed.

How can any potential programs allow concurrent effort at various levels while keeping the research relevant?

[Please suggest additional ideas and considerations.]

ResearchOrgInfra (last edited 2009-10-07 02:23:38 by AndreDeHon)